The Breakfast

How about a theatrical ’frichti’ to wake up?

Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast*.

In the smell of coffee, have a stool.
A snack, a canteen mess, a bistro...? Barely.
In the centre of the miniature arena, two ’masterchef performers’ in action: sharp moves and a knowing smile in the eye, they’re having a chat with you: modern jabbering and news of the day, that’s your welcome!
A wooden counter to rest your hot chocolate, your croissant, or your elbow.
Everybody sees everybody, it’s the early morning hemicycle.
On the waxed pine bar the two chefs offer you an ’oeuf à la coque’, orange juice, homemade madeleines... They take you on for a morning ritual, 40 minutes of eateries and texts with a real life tone: the Miscellanées Culinaires of the famous Mr Schott are the principal inspiration, but you will also come accross Proust, Alice in Wonderland, Bernard Noël, Thierry Bourcy, and Alexandra Badéa.
As for the rest... you have to trust us: we’ll fiddle with intimacy and language... So tenderly!
Dérézo, polymorphic company, raises a fairground theatre at the heart of which senses take humor for a wild dance!

*Lewis Carroll
Sharing breakfast in these times? Its possible, thanks to our adapted version

Created in February 2016 - Festival Oups
Director Charlie Windelschmidt
With Anaïs Cloarec and Véronique Héliès or Kevin Chappe and Louise Forlodou
Light Stéphane Leucart
Construction of the set in collaboration with ’maisons de quartiers de Kérédern, Valy-Hir et Pen Ar Créac’h’

40 minutes - 40 guests

|> for the three 4*4 little forms*
*Always invested of acting on the edge of cultural habits, the Dérézo team – under the direction of Charlie Windelschmidt - gives a theatrical dimension where it’s not expected. Moments of meaningful parties, the three shows summon the spectators to re-live a very familiar little ritual : breakfast, a little walk, or the apéro.


  • Sunday 8 June Le Petit Déjeuner

    Ville de Pézénas (34)

  • Monday 9 June Le Petit Déjeuner

    Ville de Mèze (34)

  • Wednesday 11 June Le Petit Déjeuner

    PL Bergot - Brest (29)

  • Friday 13 June Le Petit Déjeuner

    Collège Josephine Baker - Brest (29)

  • Sunday 15 June Le Petit Déjeuner

    La Ville-aux-Dames (37)

  • Pages-1-2-3-